Basic Introducing Collet

Basic Introducing To Collet
A collet is strong holding thas forms a collar around the object to be held and exerts
astrong claiming force on the object when it is thightened. It may be useed to hold a workpiece or a tool.
Collets generally have a narrow lamping range which a means a large number are required to hold a given range
of mateials,unlike a chuck that will generally cover the full range that the machine designed for.
The collet aadvantage over the chuck is that it offers much higher precision when reclamping a singl object
to work it in series of steps,

A. Head Angle
i)    Larhe Collet
      Lathe collet generally have a head angle of approximately 10 degrees, 
      making it easier to open when the closing force is removed
ii)   Stationary Collet
      High production machines use stationary collets. Their head angle
      is much steeper than lathe collets, usualy up to 15 degrees, 
     This will help eleminate sticking and aids in opening the collet.